Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Twitter-It could build the church!!!

With some many different forms of connection it can sometimes seem overwhelming or downright pointless to add another program or application to everyday needs. So why use twitter? I've compiled a list of reasons that hopefully will when you over to using this valuable tool.

1. Twitter make connection faster
There is some communication that requires a timely streamline information. Things happen last-minute. Emergencies happen fast that require a lot of people to know and to know quickly. The amount of time required to track people down and even phone them pales in comparison to the amount of time to send a "tweet". There are plenty of times that we look at a situation after the fact and we think if only we could've been better organized and let more people know. Twitter enables us to do that.

2. Allows us to carry on multiple conversations

There are plenty of times that I'm leaving church and I'm trying to connect with as many people as possible, and it become difficult to connect with everyone and to have a very meaningful conversation. Twitter enables me to connect with as many people as possible and carry on constant conversation with them in a way that is convenient for them.

3. Last-Minute Advertising

Alot of times after an event people remark that if they just forgot and that's why they didn't attend. It seems no matter how many cards and video announcements we have people still forget at the last minute. By sending a quick "Tweet" I can remind those less than organized people about an event right before it happens.

4. Quicker and more efficient way of sharing resources

Ever found a blog or a video that you wanted everyone to read or see. Twitter makes it easy to re-tweet those to people in the church very quickly.

5. Allows Inspired

People are always in different places in what they're doing, but I find that when I follow people there is always someone who seems to be fighting the same things you are and needless to say it keeps me encouraged to keep going.

6. Keeps you aware of where you need to be praying

With twitter you can identify immediate things to pray for. It's easy to go through your twits and pray through all the things going on in every body's world.

7. Allows people to communicate in non-threatening environment

People often find it easier to communicate in an environment that is not face-face, and because of this they are more open about what they really think and feel and it gives us a better picture it to how better to help them.

8. Easier way to advertise to friends

When something is going on its easy to retweet the details on the event to friends that you want to invite. If nothing else it will spark their curiosity about God.

9. Always easy and quicker encouragement and cheering on

With twitter it is easy to see what's going and a little five word tweet of encouragement can go a long way to helping someone in their day.

Well, that's something it get you started. The apostle Paul perhaps has the best point when he said that he tries to reach people by whatever means possible. Twitter is just another means possible to reach people. Tweet-On!

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. You might also like the discussion and info over at http://twitterforchurches.com/blog :)
