Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why you need to leave your church...

Got ya! This article is not really encouraging people, but to list the reasons why you should never leave your church. It seems that no matter how much you say your committed to your church, there are moments that you think of leaving to go to another church. Switching churches should be an infrequent activity, as our responsibility as followers of Christ to to build and support the local church. Surely, from both a biblical perspective and a practical perspective it is impossible to achieve any level of effectiveness if we're changing churches every few years. If you do find yourself at a crossroads of switching churches, or feel God is leading you elsewhere be sure to answer these important questions.

1. Am I upset or offended by anything?

Even if it is time for you to go, if there is someone who has offended you in the church, deal and make that right, before you even think of leaving the church. Being offended is the most common reason of leaving the church, and the worst way to leave. If you don't deal with things in your current church, where you know forgiveness has been achieved in its fullest form in your position, you will find your problems will follow you to a new church.

2. You disagree with leadership

Beyond a MAJOR change from biblical morals, having a different opinion from leadership is normal and is also no reason to leave a church. It is easy to submit and honor when you agree, but the real test of your honor is if you can submit through difference of opinion.

3. The church doesn't have the right programs for you or your family.

Remember, how the church exists to reach and save the lost. Let it be about that for your family and not whether there is an incredible youth or children's program. Teach your kids to be leaders in their on right and to focus on reaching their own friends and not whether the church has something to offer them.

That's it, if you pass these three tests you should be prepared to move in. Except that it seems that this rules a lot of people out. In fact, maybe a better way to think of your church is like a family. You would think long and hard about leaving your family, right?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dear Anti-Prosperity Preacher

I try to not get too fired up, about what people do in other churches.
I really believe that like minds attract, and the diversity of churches will be the key to attracting people from all walks of life into the kingdom.

Yes, not what I’m talking about in this blog, but I kind of like the idea of different denominations and movements.

Anyway, generally everyone has their own ways of doing things and that’s fine with me. Oh, and I think God supports the idea as well.


Nothing makes me slam your book faster, stop downloading your podcast, or generally get fired up if you knock prosperity.

If I’m really honest, and I can be, because it’s my blog, it just makes you sound stupid.

Do you really think you can reach the world without money?

Think about it world hunger is a multi-billionaire dollar problem. Do you really think we can solve it by praying about or sending out young adults to blame the rich for the problem?

That’s right....sometime like if all the richest people in the world gave their wealth we would solve the world’s problems.

Not sure if you were aware, but the biggest donors to the world’s problems are the rich, and it’s not because there rich. Extreme generosity attracts wealth.

That’s not even the whole deal.

Preachers that criticize prosperity preachers fancy cars, or so-called lavish lifestyles.

Why do you waste you time?

Paul said it best that if your conscience is clear with it, let it be.

When your criticize it, it only makes everyone look bad to the world.

I’m just saying.

It takes a lot of money to reach the world.

Stop criticizing people that have it, and go make some.