Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do you really mean everything?

1 Corinthians 14:16:
"Do everything in love"

It's a short verse. In fact, all Paul is really done is passing out his closing remarks and greetings to the Corinthian Church. Yet, this verse hits means. Why? Because when you really think about it. It changes everything. These four words affect everything we do, everything we say, how we spend our money, how we spend our time, every choice we make....the list goes on. It changes everything.

This means I watch what I say. I always prefer others. I never try to put people in their place. I don't ever want people to be given the impression that I think I'm better than them. I even watch how things can be perceived. I look at the room and I'm careful to consider other people' s feelings in terms of where they are in their life journey and also in relation to their experiences.

This means I watch my attitude. I am careful to not be negative but to always see the positive spin of things. I always build up and encourage rather than tear down. I am aware that people are attracted or repelled by my attitude.

I don't do things just because I can do things. I don't try to offend people but I believe and think that the apostle Paul was right when he said not to cause your brother to stumble. So I avoid some indulgences simple and silly as they may be, because I care more about people than doing my thing.

I've heard that compromise is a great quality of relationships, but I think a more suiting one would be sacrifice. Love means sacrifice. Love means giving up. Isn't this what Jesus thought it was?

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